22 avril 2016

Elissar Haikal, "ce que je fais garde mon même battante" “What I do keeps my soul beating."

Name : Elissar Haikal
Label : Elissar & Other Stories
Activity : Stylist
Adress : Beyruth – Libanon –
Website : facebook

Beyrut, Liban, 30 mars 2010 (by email)

1- Can you introduce yourself.
I’m an indie designer by choice. What I do keeps my soul « beating. » 2- Can you present your activity.
I work with colors and cultures. I design and make jewelry using vintage fabrics, old metal, and exotic beads I collect with great passion. I also design clothes, merging old with new, and traditional with today.
3- What are your success and satisfactions.
When what I do gets valued and appreciated, and above all, understood. That fulfills me like nothing ever would.
4- What are the difficulties and obstacles.
Sourcing raw material. It ain’t a cup of tea!
5- Is it OK with your personal and family life.
It’s very OK. It adds to that aspect of my life actually.
6- How do you see yourself in 5 years.
I see my items visiting a lot of distant venues.
7- What would u like to say to other women interviewed in this project.
I would tell me, keep dreaming, making art, and expressing your womanly selves. Life needs passion to be a real one, to be worth living.